SIA chairman thanks Dr. Kumar

Mottie Kessler, SIA Chairman, Thanked Dr. Kumar, Labour MP for Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland, for his Support to the UK Solvents Association and North East Chemical Industry

Solvents are most important for our daily life and the UK SIA is focused on increasing safe and responsible handling of solvents

Solvents are most important for our daily life and the UK SIA is focused on increasing safe and responsible handling of solvents”.

The statement was made by Mottie Kessler, SIA Chairman, during the SIA Spring Dinner that was hosted by Dr. Ashok Kumar, Labour MP for Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland, at the Houses of Parliament on the evening of 10th March

Mottie thanked Dr. Kumar for his support to the industry and commented that Dr. Kumar scientific background and work experience contribute to his understanding of the importance of the industry and the major role it plays in the British economy.