2M responds to Fire Crews’ request for help

When Manchester’s fire crews battled fierce fires across the region, including Stalybridge, for over three weeks, 2M Holdings responded to their appeal.

The fire had spread rapidly in the continuing UK heatwave. When the fire service placed an urgent appeal to the public for insect repellent and hats to protect the crews, 2M Holdings quickly got in touch with customers and suppliers to see who could help.

We are grateful to our customer Biteback Products, who kindly supplied Surfachem, a 2M Holdings company, with over 100 bottles of ‘Flies Undone™’ DEET Free insect repellent to protect the Fire crews. Surfachem have worked with Biteback products to provide a portfolio of ingredients to aid this growing business.

To keep the crews cool, 2M Holdings also quickly sourced and delivered 100 hats for the crews.

Mottie Kessler MBE, Chairman and CEO of 2M Holdings said: “We are proud to partner with Biteback to support the Manchester Fire crews. Our deepest gratitude goes to the crews for their tireless efforts. We wish them a safe and speedy conquering of the fire.”



James from 2M delivers the hats to Stalybridge Fire Crews


2M hope the hat helps keep firefighters cool